2000 Aneri Amarone della Valpolicella 'Stella'

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  • Perfectly Aged Amarone
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About the Wine

The Aneri method to winemaking is to produce only the highest quality in very limited quantities. Their location allows them to produce great examples of Amarone, Prosseco, and even diving into the wines native to Alto Adige. The Amarone produced here is exceptional, and like many other greats, ages beautifully for very long periods. This bottle is at exactly the point that you want to be drinking this decadent style. 

Aneri regularly finds itself in the glasses of world leaders, as it is always served at the World Economic Forum and is often gifted to world leaders after election wins. This bottle is your ticket to drinking like a world leader

The Veneto region, which is settled in the northeast of Italy, has been home to renowned wines since the ancient Greeks ruled Europe. It cradles the ever-enchanting land of Valpolicella, home of Amarone production, and is the intersection of hearty Italian foods and full-bodied wines. 

Amarone grew out of the Valpolicella evolution in viticulture which began about 60 years ago. Its predecessor was the Recioto, a sweet wine known since ancient Roman times. Recioto was the result of the combination of high-quality grapes actually selected on the vines and then picked shortly following their slight spontaneous withering. Since the beginning Amarone has evolved into the world-renowned wine that we see today.

Tasting notes: 30% Corvinone, 40% Rondinella 30% Croatina This is a slightly tawnied purple in the glass. The nose is bursting with dried dark fruits, dried cherries and, tertiary aromas of worn leather, black tea, and tobacco leaf. This is still full of life and energy, the dark fruit and earthy aromas translate beautifully into a long-lasting flavorful palate.   



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